Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Volume 1, Issue 3: Lambert-Moseska Shoot

Before I get started with this issue, just another quick reminder about our Operation Smile campaign. During the month of October, 2008, State of the Art Images will donate $50 from every family's portrait session fees to benefit Operation Smile, which treats children around the world who suffer with cleft lips, cleft palates and other facial deformities. Your session fee donation will truly help change a child's life. See "State of the Art Images Inaugural Blog" for more information.

Last month I had the pleasure of shooting the Lambert-Moseska children. Talk about some of the cutest kids you've ever seen! And, as you can see from the images below, a good time was had by all.

Thanks again to the families for allowing me to create these delightful images.

All images copyright 2008 by Jim Brammer - http://www.stateoftheartimages.com/

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Volume 1, Issue 2: Learn About Wine Single Malt Scotch and Artisnal Cheese Tasting

Before I get started with issue #2, just a quick reminder about our Operation Smile campaign. During the month of October, 2008, State of the Art Images will donate $50 from every family's portrait session fees to benefit Operation Smile, which treats children around the world who suffer with cleft lips, cleft palates and other facial deformities. Your session fee donation will truly help change a child's life. See last week's "State of the Art Images Inaugural Blog" for more information.

Now, on to this week's events. I had the pleasure of shooting a very special event on Thursday night - Learn About Wine ran a charity event for The LAM Foundation, an organization committed to finding a cure for a benefit for lymphangioleiomyomatosis
(easy for me to say ;-). LAM is a progressive lung disease that typically strikes women in the prime of their lives - most often during their childbearing years.

Ian Blackburn of Lean About Wine teamed up with Barry Lynn Krich, The Cheese Impresario, and Ray Pearson, Glenfiddich Brand Ambassador, to present a wonderful Single Malt Scotch and Artisanal Cheese tasting event at the Beverly Hills Hotel.

Wow! Talk about being in heaven - Your faithful photographer is both a single malt scotch fan and a cheese lover, so this was right up my alley. Unfortunately, I was shooting the event so I had to taste vicariously through all the wonderful speakers and guests. Herewith a few images from this beautiful, delicious and very educational event . . .

The evening got off to a wonderful start with a welcome from our hosts.

And the guests were greeted with nine different single malt scotches and a plate full of wonderful cheeses.

Then Ray and Barry Lynn proceeded to educate the guests about the finer points of single malt scotch and artisanal cheeses

The guests thoroughly enjoyed themselves . . .

Ian auctioned off some wonderful wines and art . . .

The evening was capped off with a very special tasting of The Balvenie . . .

And a good time was had by all.

Until next time, happy shooting,


All images copyright 2008 by Jim Brammer - http://www.stateoftheartimages.com/

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

State of the Art Images Inaugural Blog

Welcome to my inaugural blog!

Future posts will include highlights and comments from photo sessions and other items of interest.

I thought I'd start things out by posting my inaugural newsletter, which went out earlier this month.


Welcome to the inaugural newsletter from State of the Art Images - Where fine art meets photography!

This periodic newsletter is designed to provide you with timely information about our studio, current offerings and valuable photography hints and tips. I plan to send these out on a quarterly basis and promise to keep it short, sweet and to the point, providing you with only relevant information.

News and Events: October is Operation Smile month at State of the Art Images
Help us create a family masterpiece . . . and change the life of a deserving child.

During Family Portrait Month, October 2008, State of the Art Images will donate $50 from every family's portrait session fees to Professional Photographers of America (PPA) Charities to benefit Operation Smile, which treats children around the world who suffer with cleft lips, cleft palates and other facial deformities. Your session fee donation will truly help change a life.

What better way to prepare for the holidays? Celebrate your family with a beautiful holiday portrait while helping a child! The attached brochure provides additional information about Operation Smile.

Thinking about giving a professional wall portrait as a gift to a loved one? Family portraiture is our specialty.

Would you like to send a one-of-a-kind custom holiday card to friends and family this year? We have hundreds of holiday card templates to choose from.

Call us today to schedule a portrait session and discuss how, together, we can create a photographic masterpiece that you’ll treasure for a lifetime.

Photography Hints and Tips: It's all about the light! - Part 1
The difference between good and great photographic images is all about the light. How you use, control and shape light makes a big difference in the quality of your image. Take, for example, the sun - arguably the largest light source in the world. Natural sunlight comes in many different forms: early morning and late afternoon sunlight casts long, soft shadows that complement your subject by adding depth and dimension to your image. Mid-day sunlight with a clear sky casts short, harsh shadows that call the viewers attention away from your subject because of the extreme differences between light and shadows. The best time to take pictures is what photographers call the "magic hour" - the last hour before sunset each day. The natural light just before sunset takes on a soft, warm glow that gives your images a beautiful feel. I'll talk more about shooting with natural light in future issues.

Until next time, happy shooting (photographs, that is),

Jim Brammer


Fine Art / Portraits Commercial / Photography

State of the Art Images tm
Photography by Jim Brammer
Where fine art meets photography! tm
Tarzana, CA 91356

+1 818-344-0671 Office
+1 818-398-2614 Mobile
+1 818-344-6315 Fax

Web Site: http://www.stateoftheartimages.com/

Professional Affiliations:
- National Association of Photoshop Professionals
- Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep Foundation
- Professional Photographers of America
- Professional Photographers of California
- Professional Photographers of Los Angeles County
- Woodland Hills - Tarzana Chamber of Commerce